Friday, November 30, 2012


Tom enjoying a crispy fried anchovy (and not the kind from a can - who knew???).
The girls weren't too fond of these little delicacies.
A plate full of ham, chorizo, and manchego cheese....and one happy Iz, getting her fill of bread and cheese (A Canada).
This, folks, is the real thing. Coke with sugar - just like we used to get in the states before they pulled that "New Coke" switcheroo. Yum - and it comes in a reasonable portion size instead of a gallon bucket with a hose for a straw.
Dinner at Museo de Jamon. We decided to eat here cheaply to offset the cost of going to a Flamenco show.
 Man, was that ever a delicious decision!!!
We couldn't believe how cheap this place was soooo good. This was our tab for the
 entire family's dinner (including a full liter of beer between the two of us.)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Weeeee're off to see the wizard!!!

How much have my babies grown that they can navigate airports and metros all while lugging all of their own luggage and looking super cute doing it?? (We'll leave out the part where Isabelle dangerously scrambled up the down escalator on her hands and knees while trying to recover her suitcase that she'd dropped. Don't worry, turned out just fine except for yet another pair of ruined white leggings.) Oh, and there are very real reasons why "they" recommend traveling with backpacks instead of wheeled luggage in Europe. We won't go into that so much, as I'm trying to paint a pretty European fresco in my European narrative here...

So, here we are on the first leg of our month-long adventure. I got a good kick in the pants this year on the whole seize-the-day philosophy and decided to seize my children while we're all still bright-eyed, healthy, and tolerant of each other and make the trek across the big, blue pond.
No, we're not rich. No, we've not come into an inheritance. No, we've not forfeited college funds...okay, well, that one may be accurate. We've worked the better part of this year building up points and miles to "pay" for this extravagance. we are! In the hotel in Madrid. Me blogging (what?? Blogging?!?!?!?!) while my children sleep in their beds and my Tom figures his technological needs for working remotely for the next two weeks.
Carpe diem!! Wait...I'm in Spain and should probably figure out how to say that locally...or I can just say that I'm preparing for the last bit of our trip in Rome. Italy!! Or I could just gather up the fam and head out for some paella. Yeah, baby!!!